
We can help your business succeed! 

2025 Production Schedule

Call 610-767-9600 or click here to have one of our representatives contact you and help you with any questions or information you seek about marketing your business. We now offer web and other digital promotion options; contact us today to learn more! 

Please supply your name, business name, location, and phone number via email or voicemail.

You can also view our complete media kit here.

Classified ads cost:

$10 for 0-25 words
$15 for 26-45 words
$20 for 46-65 words
$25 for 66-85 words
$30 for 86-105 words
$35 for 106-125 words

Deadline is 12 p.m. on deadline day (see Publication Schedule).

There will be NO REFUNDS after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.

Thank you for your patronage of the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette!